martes, 28 de abril de 2015

Alchipichi: my childhood farm, that was recently sold
Braces: having braces for 2 years!
Candelaria: the farm of my dad's family when I visited for the first time
Disney: visiting Disney with my family!
Eating blackberries in my farm with jelly!
February 23: the day I found out my dad was selling my horse Valentino
Galapagos:visiting Galapagos on third grade
Hiring ski of water for the first time ( now I love to  ski on water)
Island of Adventure: going to this park at Orlando ( my favorite park)
Jazz: The best horse on the world (my current horse)
Kissing a dolphin in Mexico DC
Luis: my dad and my hero
May 28: my birthday ( and my brother)
November 14: the day my dad bought me Jazz
October 31: Halloween ( my favorite holiday)
Panamerican: when all my family went to mexico to see my dad at the panamerican games in Guadalajara-Mexico
Quito:coming to live in Quito
Road trip to Riobamba with all my family
Sixth grade graduation on 2013
Tito: my grandfather and my inspiration
USA: visiting US on 2013 and going to the aquarium where I saw Flipper!
Valentino: a horse that taught me how to be the horse rider I am now
Wellington: when I visited wellington for the first time on 2012 ( with my dad and brother)
Xmas of 2014 when I got my dog Cisco
Yelling in halloween on the haunted house of rancho so hard that I ended with no voice
Zoo: going to Guadalajara's zoo ( the best)

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