domingo, 17 de mayo de 2015


Task 5 

To go to a great college
To work with animals when being an adult
To have a beautiful family
To have kids and that they learn to ride horse

Learning to ride horse
Learning to speak english
Helping kids on the orphan
Achieving to get good grades

One of my hopes is to go to a great college. I have these hope because I belief that education is the key for a great live and future. Also because I will love making my parents proud. I will accomplish these by keeping up my grades. I will make my best effort each year. Until the day comes and all the years of effort will be worth it.

One of my milestones is when I learned to ride horse about 9 years ago. Since that day horses had being more than just my hobby but my passion.I had fallen and stood up again , I had made a bond with creatures 20 times heavier than me, and that bond means everything to me. I had many hard times while riding horse but somehow I learn something new, that is why I love riding horse: because I never stop learning.

my roles

Task 4

Child: as all humans beings I was once a child. Actually, I still consider myself a child. Why wouldn't I be? the point that I am 13 years doesn't change the fact that I love to play or love to pretend that I am a teacher or something like that, or simply go outside and play with my imagination, and I still do mischief things. I still don't understand so many complicities of life, and I am willing to enjoy the privilege of feeling like this and enjoy the fact that being a child is steel a role I play in my daily life.

Student: I love being a student on my daily life, and coming to school. IF I wouldn't be a student I think my life would be pretty boring because being a student is my life and my priority in this stage of my life. thanks to being a student I have learned innumerable things and I have met people that will stay in my life and mind forever: my friends.

Sister: I play the role of a sister on my life. I play the role of a twin sister and a little sister. I fight with them s much specially with my twin sister we discuss for everything and we are always seeing the mistakes each other make. And my big sister doesn't have so many patience with me. But neither way I love them so much and I look forward to them even if we fight.


Task 3 

In that moment I realized that... I couldn't get out of the water, I was just about to crash into the rocks on the sea.
If only... I would have heard my mom shouting at the other kids too get out of the water, I wouldn't have had crashed and I wound't have injured myself.
It started as an ordinary day......but then the rocks were just in front of my body, I hit at them so hard, I ha to get out of the water,I manage to get out but I was so scared because my leg was bleeding and my hands too.

my life; my feelings

Task 2 

Disappointments: I was very disappointed when my parents decided to sell my horse

Accomplishments: when I beat my fear of going to competitions with my new horse, I accomplish to go to competition after 2 years

Conflicts: on Halloween when me and my friends had a huge fight beaches of the groups. 

Fears: as all humans, I am scared to loosing the ones I love ( death) 

Luck: I am very lucky at founding things on the ground,when I was in Miami I found a wallet with 200 dollars on it! 

Enemies: I really don't have enemies, I may like some people more than others but I don't hate someone for like aging that he is my enemy.

Gratitude: I have a lot of gratitude towards my parents.

Jealousy: I am not a jealous person but very remarked I get jealous about something my sister Or brother accomplished.

Fears: I am so cared to loose the ones I love, the idea of living with out my smoky terrifies me. When I try to imagine death all I see is darkness and butterflies in my belly.all humans know that one day they will have to confront it but somehow we always try to forget it, as soon as we start thinking of it we try to change of subject on our minds. We avoid the fear of death. 

Gratitude: I can not explain how much gratitude I have toward my parents. They gave done everything for me. Thanks to them u have love food education and a place to call home. They would give their life's for me and that has no prize I will Mavericks be able to thank them so much.

my life on a sentece

Task 1 

Horses are my passion. Family is my inspiration. School is my obligation